The Kitchen Sink
By Tom Wells
SLT South London Theatre, West Norwood – Sep 10 – 14 2024
Things aren’t going to plan for one family in Withernsea. Pieces are falling off Martin’s milk float as quickly as he’s losing customers and something’s up with Kath’s kitchen sink. Billy is pinning his hopes of a place at art college on a revealing portrait of Dolly Parton, whilst Sophie’s dreams of becoming a Jiu-Jitsu teacher might be disappearing down the plug hole.
Directed by David Chappell
With Kananu Kirimi, Dean Moore, Victoria Alexandra Odlum, Thomas Judd, Sam Blake

After Life
By Jack Thorne
SLT South London Theatre, West Norwood – May 30 – Jun 03 2023
If you could spend eternity with just one precious memory, what would it be?
A group of strangers grapple with this impossible question as they find themselves in a bureaucratic waiting room between life and death.
Directed by Mark Ireson
With David Chappell, Tom Mathias, Rex Lee, Gabriela Jones, Kianna Griffith-Tapper, Jo Parry, Daniel L Gregory, Sophie Asha Arram, Chris Stooke, Ingrid Miller, Cambria Bailey-Jones
Photographer Phil Gammon

Blue Remembered Hills
By Dennis Potter
SLT South London Theatre, West Norwood – July 12th – 16th 2022
This deceptively simple tale relates the activities of seven English children played by adults on a summer afternoon during World War II. In a woods, a field and a barn, they play, fight, fantasize and swagger. Their aggressions, fears, hostilities and rivalries are a microcosm of adult interaction.
Directed by Jo boniface
With David Chappell, Tom Mathias, Oliver Adkin, Louie Chapman, Katie Floyd, Rebecca Harris, Bex Law
Photographer Phil Gammon

Going To Seed
SLT Summer Shorts
South London Theatre, West Norwood – August 12th – 14th 2021
A night of new writing with a selection of varied 10-minute plays by new playwrights, directed and performed by SLT members.
Written by Jane Dodd
With David Chappell & Ruth Carnegie
Directed by Paul White
Photographer Phil Gammon

Etcetera Theatre, Camden London – June 18th 2021
Lantern Theatre, Brighton Fringe – June 19th 2021
When a Nigerian family moves to London, it’s a far cry from the life they’d hoped for. ‘Duty’ explores how detachment, discontent, gender and racial constructs play out for a young black woman, both in society and intimate relationships. Plus, the bitter-sweet hope of finding life’s purpose in the midst of it all.
Written by BomAfabia Wokoma
With David Ajayi, Josh Beckman, David Chappell, Tevin Deola, Erina Mashate, Callum McGregor, Laura Rinati, BomAfabia Wokoma
Directed by Laura Rinati and Bomafabia Wokoma

Dealer’ Choice
The Courtyard Theatre, Old Street – July 1st 2019
Directed by London Actors Workshop

Wasted by Kate Tempest
The2Brewers, Clapham – July 14th 2018
Directed by Scott Le Crass